如果你曾经喝过装有反渗透系统的人家的一杯水, 你知道它有多纯净,多清爽 tastes.

Or, 也许你担心水质,想确保你的家人喝的是尽可能减少污染物的健康水.

反渗透(R.O.) drinking water truly is the purest choice for any home. It’s water the way nature intended us to drink it.

But how exactly do these systems work, and what do they do to your home’s water?


Most homeowners have likely heard of reverse osmosis before, but unless they already have a system in their home, they might not know exactly what it is or how reverse osmosis works. 反渗透 is one of the most refined methods of water filtration, and it can improve water quality and taste, even when the water is already treated.

To understand reverse osmosis, let’s start with defining osmosis. 根据《日博365APP下载》, 渗透是水或其他溶剂通过半透膜的过程,其中颗粒被膜阻挡. Normal osmosis naturally always travels from the 最高 水的浓度 最低 浓度. When thinking about osmosis in action, 想想植物的根是如何从土壤中吸收水分和养分的——根系通过土壤吸收养分和水分的这个过程就是渗透作用.

在基础水平上, the reverse osmosis process is similar to osmosis, 包括分子通过半透膜来过滤水中污染物. 然而, 主要区别在于,反渗透需要外部压力来迫使水通过膜,因为它的作用与自然界中发现的相反. 未经过滤的水有 较低的 纯水的浓度和 更高的 浓度 on the opposite side of the filtration membrane. 所以为了让水流过系统,它需要外力的推动. The reverse osmosis membrane blocks contaminants large and small, 留下新鲜的, 未受污染的水在膜的一边,污染物在另一边.

When thinking about reverse osmosis with regard to the water in your home, 反渗透系统中的反渗透膜就像一种过滤器,因为它有极其微小的孔,可以通过过滤来帮助去除水中的微小污染物. In the case of reverse osmosis drinking water systems, 半透膜只允许水分子通过,而其他污染物被收集和冲走. The result is high quality 过滤后的 water to drink that is free from contaminants, 新鲜的, 和美味的!

Now that we know the basic definition of osmosis and reverse osmosis, let’s dig in and learn about reverse osmosis water filtration systems for home use, 当需要的时候, 它是如何工作的, 如果它适合你的家.

Why Do I Need a 反渗透 System?

对于那些有软水器或其他过滤系统(如固定安装的碳系统)不能完全满足房主需求的人来说,反渗透是一个很好的选择. 有些人可能对硬水被软化后的结果非常满意, whereas others seek out a more crisp, 过滤后的, 瓶装水的味道.

此外,有些系统不能像反渗透系统那样过滤掉污染物. 反渗透, also known by the shortened “RO” systems, are able to capture contaminants that other systems miss. 365体育APP下载的反渗透饮用水系统经过测试和认证,可以减少:

  • 引领。
  • 硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐
  • 铬(六价 & 三价)
  • 氟化
  • 囊肿(隐孢子虫)
  • 总溶解固形物

Soft water is excellent for cleaning, showering, and laundry. 然而, some people would rather not drink it. Depending on how hard your water is to start with, it could still have high 总溶解固形物, which can negatively affect the taste. The reason is that the hard minerals are replaced by 钠, and there may be other contaminants in your water that a softener will not remove.

反渗透系统可以去除不需要的钠以及其他污染物和溶解的固体, 为什么软水器和反渗透系统是大多数家庭的理想组合.

How Does a 反渗透 Filtration Work?

Although we previously simplified the definition of reverse osmosis, 当使用反渗透系统净化饮用水时,还有更多的过程.

反渗透 systems have three cylindrical canisters on a manifold, where one is the reverse osmosis membrane and the other two are carbon filters. 让365体育APP下载仔细看看这三个过滤阶段的目的,以及它们在反渗透系统中的作用.

步骤1: Pre-filtration

用反渗透饮用水系统净水的第一步是保护膜. 它能去除较大的沉积物, 包括一些溶解的固体, and helps reduce 氯 that may be in your water. This first cartridge is referred to as the sediment filter or carbon block filter. 它有助于保护细胞膜, which can get clogged by excess sediment or damaged by exposure to too much 氯, which you’ll find in municipal water.

Step 2: The 反渗透 Membrane

Following the initial filtration comes the real magic of a reverse osmosis system. Your water is forced through the semipermeable membrane under pressure. 反渗透膜是一种允许水分子通过的合成塑料材料. 然而, 钠, 氯, and calcium as well as larger molecules like glucose, 尿素, 囊肿不能通过.

水权 often uses thin film composite (TFC) membranes. 它们对细菌分解有抵抗力,平均排异率高达95%至97%. TFC membranes are not 氯-resistant, which is why a carbon prefilter is used.

步骤3 & 4:  Post Filtration and Final Polish

Before your home’s water is ready to drink, it goes through a second carbon filter (or post filter), 在不太可能的情况下,它们通过了系统的前两步,这种方法可以去除任何残留的污染物. Then the water fills up a storage tank where it waits until you’re ready to use it. 最后, there’s the in-line activated carbon filter, which gives your water one last polish as it comes out your faucet. 这是用来去除任何残留的气味或味道,可能来自系统软管或储罐,当你的水等待使用. 擦水是“以防万一”的步骤,以确保你喝的水味道非常新鲜!

How Much Space Do I Need For a 反渗透 System?

反渗透 systems take up relatively little space in your home. Unlike larger systems like water softeners, reverse osmosis systems can take up very little space; however, it is dependent on the specific reverse osmosis system you choose. 反渗透饮用水系统通常安装在厨房水槽下面,或者可以安装在地下室水槽下面,这样你就不必牺牲你的橱柜空间. 全屋反渗透系统稍大一些,通常安装在水进入你家的附近, like a water softener or water heater do. Whole house systems are commonly installed in a basement or utility room. 请记住,牺牲一小部分空间会换来更好喝的水, 节约成本, 和更多的!

What Maintenance is Required With a 反渗透 System?

Just like with any water filtration system for home or for an appliance in your home, it is important to properly maintain it. 正确维护的反渗透系统可以持续长达十年甚至更长时间!

When you have a reverse osmosis system installed in your home, 安装人员应检查设备的适当维护和维护计划. 您需要更换碳或膜盒的频率将取决于您需要收集多少污染物以及您将通过系统运行多少水.

预过滤器或沉淀物过滤器通常应该每年更换一次,因为这个过滤器可以保护你的反渗透膜, 但你当地的专业人士可能会建议每6个月对高使用率的房屋进行一次清理. 妥善保养这个过滤器意味着你的膜应该持续两到三年才需要更换. 碳过滤器应该根据你的水质每年更换一到两次.

Is 反渗透 Drinking 水 Right for Your Home?

When you install a reverse osmosis system, you’ll enjoy 更美味的咖啡和茶, clearer ice cubes, and pure, healthy water right from your kitchen sink. If you’re still using bottled water for drinking, you’ll be able to make the switch to drinking from your tap. 反渗透系统是一项明智的投资,从长远来看可以节省你的钱,对环境更好. If desired, 水权 also offers whole home reverse osmosis systems. You can even wash your car with reverse osmosis water for a spot-free finish!





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